Python XPlane

Adding track following (Direct To) with cross track error to the Python X-Plane Autopilot

Continuing from the last post (Adding some polish to the X-Plane Python Autopilot with Flask, Redis, and WebSockets), I have a bit of momentum going on the Python X-Plane Autopilot stuff. There were a couple of items I wanted to complete before declaring the project “done”. The first is a “takeoff” button, which isn’t yet done. The other is the ability to fly along a track. That is now complete as of last night.

It is one thing to fly a bearing from A to B. That works fine as long as there is no wind in any direction. Flying a heading set by bearing is easy, and is part of the heading select & hold feature built out in a previous iteration of the code. To do so requires a “desired heading” and a heading error PID. The goal is to minimize the heading error, so we set the setpoint to 0. This controls a “roll” PID controller, which controls an aileron PID controller.

Each have limits in place to prevent excessive movement. For example, the roll PID controller is limited to +/- 30 degrees. Pitch is +/- 15 degrees.

To take this to the next step requires a few things:

  • A “track”, which is commonly defined as a start point and an end point. Both are simply lat/lon coordinate sets.
  • A current location, which is current lat/lon
  • A cross track distance (error), which is the distance the current location is off the track.
  • More PID loops, namely a cross track distance PID control, which, like the heading error PID, has a setpoint of 0 (i.e. the goal is to minimize the cross track distance).

Additionally, to make something actually useful, we need a “database” of navigation points. I parsed the fixed-width delimited text files of X-Plane for this, which was not fun.

To tie it all together, the web interface needs a way to type in a nav point, and a Direct To (D->To) button. Direct to is common in aviation GPS units to set a track from the location when the button is pushed to some point (VOR, fix, airport, etc). I’ve emulated that functionality.

Here’s the screenshot showing the example aircraft navigating to DVV, which is the KDEN VOR, from somewhere near KBJC. It shows a cross track error of 0.056 km, or 56 meters. ChatGPT helpfully generated the cross track error function with a resultant number in meters. I am comfortable with many kinds of units so I’ll leave this for now. The red line on the right map view is the aircraft’s interpretation of the direct to set at the same time as I clicked my autopilot’s Direct To button. There is a 4 kt wind coming from 029. I tested with greater, somewhat constant crosswinds in the 40-50 kt range with gusts of +/- 5 kts.

screenshot showing python autopilot code controlling xplane, flying aircraft along a track

The cross track error settles down to < 10 m after a minute or so. It is a little “lazy”. If it is on a track that is due east, and I flip the track to due west, it’ll dutifully do the 180, then attempt to rejoin the track but it overshoots a bit and settles down after ~1 oscillation. I could probably turn up the P on the xte PID and that would help. Below is a track of tacking off from KBJC and the doing direct to DVV. The X is where I clicked Direct to back to the BJC VOR, it turned left and rejoined the track, overshooting, then settling back in nicely.

plot showing the lat/lon track of the aircraft doing almost a complete 180 to rejoin the track going the opposite direction with python autopilot code

The Python Autopilot Code

I’m not going to pretend I wrote the cross track distance code, nor will I pretend to understand it. It works. The sign of the result depends on something along the lines of which side of the great circle line you are on. Luckily, aircraft (and boats and other things that follow tracks) don’t typically go from B to A. They go from A to B so this is consistent no matter which direction the track is facing. If they do need to go back to the start, the start becomes the end, if that makes sense.

This is the glorious cross track distance code along with some test code. Using Google Earth, the distance from the KBJC control tower to the centerline of 30R/12L should be ~0.44 km.

def cross_track_distance(point, start, end):
    # Convert all latitudes and longitudes from degrees to radians
    point_lat, point_lon = math.radians(point[0]), math.radians(point[1])
    start_lat, start_lon = math.radians(start[0]), math.radians(start[1])
    end_lat, end_lon = math.radians(end[0]), math.radians(end[1])

    # Calculate the angular distance from start to point
    # Ensure the argument is within the domain of acos
    acos_argument = math.sin(start_lat) * math.sin(point_lat) + math.cos(start_lat) * math.cos(point_lat) * math.cos(point_lon - start_lon)
    acos_argument = max(-1, min(1, acos_argument))  # Clamp the argument between -1 and 1
    delta_sigma = math.acos(acos_argument)

    # Calculate the bearing from start to point and start to end
    theta_point = math.atan2(math.sin(point_lon - start_lon) * math.cos(point_lat),
                             math.cos(start_lat) * math.sin(point_lat) - math.sin(start_lat) * math.cos(point_lat) * math.cos(point_lon - start_lon))
    theta_end = math.atan2(math.sin(end_lon - start_lon) * math.cos(end_lat),
                           math.cos(start_lat) * math.sin(end_lat) - math.sin(start_lat) * math.cos(end_lat) * math.cos(end_lon - start_lon))

    # Calculate the cross track distance
    cross_track_dist = math.asin(math.sin(delta_sigma) * math.sin(theta_point - theta_end))

    # Convert cross track distance to kilometers by multiplying by the Earth's radius (6371 km)
    cross_track_dist = cross_track_dist * 6371

    return cross_track_dist

kbjc_runways = {
	"30R/12L": {
		"Runway 12L": {
			"Latitude": 39.91529286666667,
			"Longitude": -105.12841313333334
		"Runway 30R": {
			"Latitude": 39.901373883333335,
			"Longitude": -105.10191808333333

kbjc_runway_30R_start = (kbjc_runways["30R/12L"]["Runway 30R"]["Latitude"], kbjc_runways["30R/12L"]["Runway 30R"]["Longitude"])
kbjc_runway_30R_end = (kbjc_runways["30R/12L"]["Runway 12L"]["Latitude"], kbjc_runways["30R/12L"]["Runway 12L"]["Longitude"])
kbjc_tower = (test_locations["kbjc_tower"]["lat"], test_locations["kbjc_tower"]["lon"])
def test_cross_track_distance():
	print(f"start lat: {kbjc_runway_30R_start[0]}, start lon: {kbjc_runway_30R_start[1]}")
	print(f"end lat: {kbjc_runway_30R_end[0]}, end lon: {kbjc_runway_30R_end[1]}")
	print(f"tower lat: {kbjc_tower[0]}, tower lon: {kbjc_tower[1]}")

	dist = cross_track_distance(kbjc_tower, kbjc_runway_30R_start, kbjc_runway_30R_end)
	print(f"cross track distance: {dist}")


And the rest of the magic happens in this block. If you recall from the last post (Adding some polish to the X-Plane Python Autopilot with Flask, Redis, and WebSockets), I am using Redis as a store to hold the setpoints from the web app controlling the autopilot. It is fast enough that I don’t need to worry about latency when running at 10 Hz (the loop durations are consistently less than 30 milliseconds, with the bulk of that time being used to get and set data from X-Plane itself).

# get the setpoints from redis
			setpoints = get_setpoints_from_redis()

			# check if we have just changed to direct-to mode and if so, update the direct to coords. same if the target waypoint has changed
			if (setpoints["hdg_mode"] == "d_to" and previous_nav_mode != "d_to") or (setpoints["target_wpt"] != previous_nav_target):
				print("reason for entering this block")
				print(f"previous nav mode: {previous_nav_mode}, setpoints hdg mode: {setpoints['hdg_mode']}, previous nav target: {previous_nav_target}, setpoints target wpt: {setpoints['target_wpt']}")
				# d_to_start_coords is the current position, in lat,lon tuple
				d_to_start_coords = (posi[0], posi[1])

				# this function does a lookup in the nav_points dataframe to get the lat, lon of the target waypoint
				# it could certainly be optimized to use something faster than a pandas dataframe
				d_to_target_coords = get_nav_point_lat_lon(setpoints["target_wpt"])

				# reset xte PID
				print(f"setting d_to_start_coords to {d_to_start_coords}")

			# these are unchanged
			desired_alt = setpoints["desired_alt"]
			desired_speed = setpoints["desired_speed"]

			if setpoints["hdg_mode"] == "hdg":
				# if we're in heading mode, just use the desired heading. this is mostly unchanged from the previous iteration
				desired_hdg = setpoints["desired_hdg"]
				heading_error = get_angle_difference(desired_hdg, current_hdg)
			elif setpoints["hdg_mode"] == "d_to":
				# if we're in direct-to mode, calculate the cross-track error and update the xte_PID.
				# I am using xte to mean cross-track error/distance
				xte = cross_track_distance((posi[0], posi[1]), d_to_start_coords, d_to_target_coords)

				# calculate the heading correction based on the xte_PID output
				heading_correction = xte_PID.output

				# this is essentially saying for 1 km of cross-track error, we want to correct by 30 degrees
				heading_correction = heading_correction * 30

				# limit the heading correction to -45 to 45 degrees
				heading_correction = normalize(heading_correction, -45, 45)

				# calculate the track heading to the target waypoint. the track heading is the heading we would
				# need to fly to get to the target waypoint from the current position. it is used as an initial heading
				track_heading = get_bearing((posi[0], posi[1]), d_to_target_coords)

				# adjust the desired heading by the heading correction
				adjusted_desired_hdg = track_heading + heading_correction

				# make sure the adjusted desired heading is between 0 and 360
				adjusted_desired_hdg = adjusted_desired_hdg % 360

				# calculate the heading error based on the adjusted desired heading, this is no different than the hdg mode
				adjusted_heading_error = get_angle_difference(adjusted_desired_hdg, current_hdg)

				# log the current values
				print(f"track hdg: {track_heading:.1f}, heading corr: {heading_correction:.1f}, adj desired hdg: {adjusted_desired_hdg:.1f}, adj heading err: {adjusted_heading_error:.1f}")

				# write to a log file so we can make nice plots for the blog post
				log_line = f"{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]},{posi[0]},{posi[1]},{posi[2]},{xte},{xte_PID.output},{track_heading},{heading_correction},{adjusted_desired_hdg},{adjusted_heading_error}"
				with open(current_run_log_filename, "a") as log_file:
					log_file.write(log_line + "\n")

Getting nav data from X-Plane data files

If you looked at the code closely, you will see the d_to_target_coords is set via a function called get_nav_point_lat_lon(nav_point). This looks up lat/lon in a file that was generated by parsing the X-Plane navigation data. In my previous job, I dealt with fixed width data formats. It is not fun. I originally tried to split based on spaces, but some of the nav point names have more than one space in them. I suppose I could just ignore the name but this is already written. This code parses the earth_nav.dat file, specifically for type 3, which is VOR/DME-like.

import pandas as pd

nav_filepath = r"C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\X-Plane 10\Resources\default data\earth_nav.dat"

raw_file_data = open(nav_filepath, 'r').readlines()

# remove first 3 lines
raw_file_data = raw_file_data[3:]

# remove last line
raw_file_data = raw_file_data[:-1]

# remove new line characters
raw_file_data = [line.replace('\n', '') for line in raw_file_data]

# Adjusting the function based on the new column map provided
def parse_nav_info(line):
    column_map = {
        'type': {'start': 0, 'end': 1},
        'lat_sign': {'start': 2, 'end': 3},
        'latitude': {'start': 3, 'end': 15},
        'lon_sign': {'start': 15, 'end': 16},
        'longitude': {'start': 16, 'end': 28},
        'elevation': {'start': 29, 'end': 35},
        'frequency': {'start': 36, 'end': 41},
        'range': {'start': 42, 'end': 45},
        'unknown': {'start': 46, 'end': 52},
        'identifier': {'start': 53, 'end': 56},
        'name': {'start': 56}  # Assuming end is not needed; take till the end of the line

    nav_info = {}
    for column, column_info in column_map.items():
        start = column_info['start']
        end = column_info.get('end', None)
        value = line[start:end].strip()
        # print(f"attempting to parse {column} with value {value}")
        if column == 'latitude':
            lat_sign = line[column_map['lat_sign']['start']:column_map['lat_sign']['end']]
            lat_sign = -1 if lat_sign == '-' else 1
            value = lat_sign * float(value)
        elif column == 'longitude':
            lon_sign = line[column_map['lon_sign']['start']:column_map['lon_sign']['end']]
            lon_sign = -1 if lon_sign == '-' else 1
            value = lon_sign * float(value)
        elif column == 'elevation':
            value = int(value)
        elif column == 'frequency':
            value = int(value)
        elif column == 'range':
            value = int(value)
        nav_info[column] = value

    return nav_info

i = 0
data = []
types = []
for line in raw_file_data:
    line_type = int(line[0:2])
    if line_type != 3:

    line_data = parse_nav_info(line)

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
columns_of_interest = ['identifier','latitude','longitude','elevation', 'frequency', 'range', 'name']
df = df[columns_of_interest]


The code to read the file and import is at the beginning of the file and is fairly straightforward:

# nav_data.pkl is a pandas dataframe. yes, this should use a dict or something faster.
nav_points = pickle.load(open("nav_data.pkl", "rb"))

def get_nav_point_lat_lon(id):
	nav_point = nav_points[nav_points["identifier"] == id]
	return nav_point["latitude"].values[0], nav_point["longitude"].values[0]

And for the Flask side of the house, we have index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Autopilot Interface</title>
    <script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    var socket;  // Declare socket globally

    // Define adjustSetpoint globally
    function adjustSetpoint(label, adjustment) {
        socket.emit('adjust_setpoint', {label: label, adjustment: adjustment});

    function submitDirectTo() {
        const stationId = document.getElementById('target_wpt_input').value; // Grab the value from the input
        if (stationId) { // Check if the stationId is not empty
            adjustSetpoint('target_wpt', stationId); // Adjust the setpoint with the stationId as the value
            adjustSetpoint('hdg_mode', "d_to"); // Your existing function call
        } else {
            alert("Please enter a station ID.");

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
        socket = io.connect(location.protocol + '//' + document.domain + ':' + location.port);
        socket.on('connect', () => {
            console.log("Connected to WebSocket server.");

        // Listen for update_setpoints event to initialize the UI with Redis values
        socket.on('update_setpoints', function(setpoints) {
          for (const [label, value] of Object.entries(setpoints)) {
              const element = document.getElementById(label);
              if (element) {
                  element.innerHTML = value;

        // Listen for update_setpoint events from the server
        socket.on('update_setpoint', data => {
            // Assuming 'data' is an object like {label: new_value}
            for (const [label, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
                // Update the displayed value on the webpage
                const element = document.getElementById(label);
                if (element) {
                    element.innerHTML = value;
    body {
        font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
        margin: 20px;
        background-color: #f4f4f4;
        color: #333;
    h1 {
        color: #005288;
    ul {
        list-style-type: none;
        padding: 0;
    ul li {
        margin: 10px 0;
    button, input[type="text"] {
        padding: 10px;
        margin-top: 5px;
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        border-radius: 5px;
        cursor: pointer;
        font-size: 16px;
    button:hover {
        background-color: #ddd;
    .button-group {
        margin-bottom: 20px;
    #target_wpt_input {
        margin-right: 10px;

    <h1>Autopilot Interface</h1>
    <p>Current Setpoints:</p>
        <li>Heading: <span id="desired_hdg">0</span></li>
        <li>Altitude: <span id="desired_alt">0</span></li>
        <li>Speed: <span id="desired_speed">0</span></li>
        <li>Heading Mode: <span id="hdg_mode">0</span></li>
        <li>Target Waypoint: <span id="target_wpt">BJC</span></li>
    <p>Autopilot: <span id="autopilot_enabled">OFF</span></p>

    <!-- Example buttons for adjusting setpoints -->
    <div class="button-group">
        <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_hdg', -10)">-10 HDG</button>
        <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_hdg', 10)">+10 HDG</button>
    <div class="button-group">
        <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_alt', 500)">+500 ALT</button>
        <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_alt', -500)">-500 ALT</button>
    <div class="button-group">
        <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_speed', 5)">+5 KTS</button>
        <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_speed', -5)">-5 KTS</button>
    <div class="button-group">
        <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('hdg_mode', 'hdg')">Follow Heading</button>
        <input type="text" id="target_wpt_input" value="BJC">
        <button onclick="submitDirectTo()">Direct To</button>
    <div class="button-group">
        <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('autopilot_enabled', 1)">Enable Autopilot</button>
        <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('autopilot_enabled', 0)">Disable Autopilot</button>


And the Flask app itself. I still think WebSockets are magic.

from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
import redis

app = Flask(__name__)
socketio = SocketIO(app)
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

setpoints_of_interest = ['desired_hdg', 'desired_alt', 'desired_speed']
# get initial setpoints from Redis, send to clients

def index():
    return render_template('index.html')  # You'll need to create an HTML template

def update_setpoint(label, adjustment):
    # This function can be adapted to update setpoints and then emit updates via WebSocket
    current_raw_value = r.get(label) if r.exists(label) else None
    if current_raw_value is not None:
            current_value = float(current_raw_value)
        except ValueError:
            current_value = current_raw_value

    if label == 'desired_hdg':
        new_value = (current_value + adjustment) % 360
    elif label == 'autopilot_enabled':
        new_value = adjustment
    elif label == 'hdg_mode':
        new_value = adjustment
    elif label == 'target_wpt':
        new_value = adjustment
        new_value = current_value + adjustment

    r.set(label, new_value)
    # socketio.emit('update_setpoint', {label: new_value})  # Emit update to clients
    return new_value

def handle_adjust_setpoint(json):
    label = json['label']
    adjustment = json['adjustment']
    # Your logic to adjust the setpoint in Redis and calculate new_value
    new_value = update_setpoint(label, adjustment)

    # Emit updated setpoint to all clients
    emit('update_setpoint', {label: new_value}, broadcast=True)

def handle_connect():
    # Fetch initial setpoints from Redis
    initial_setpoints = {label: float(r.get(label)) if r.exists(label) else 0.0 for label in setpoints_of_interest}
    # Emit the initial setpoints to the connected client
    emit('update_setpoints', initial_setpoints)

if __name__ == '__main__':

And here’s the full code of the autopilot itself. This will be transferred to GitHub for the next post. It is a bit long and needs to be split out into a number of separate files.


With a cross track distance known, it isn’t terribly difficult to convert that distance (error) into a heading adjustment. We now have a functioning autopilot that can control our aircraft to any VOR-like point. I could extend the X-Plane nav data parsing to read all points, but I’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader. The X-Plane Python Autopilot is almost complete – all that I have left on the checklist is a “takeoff” button. Hope you enjoyed the post!


This page was pretty helpful for realizing the code for determining the cross track distance would be complicated – A good bit of the code was generated by ChatGPT as well.

Python XPlane

Adding some polish to the X-Plane Python Autopilot with Flask, Redis, and WebSockets

I revisited my Python X-Plane autopilot a few weeks ago because it was pretty clunky for how to adjust setpoints and such. The job I started 1.5 years ago is exclusively Python, so I wanted to redo a bit.

Quick aside: For the new PC I just built – Ryzen 9 7900x, 2x32GB 6000 MHz, etc, X-Plane 10 was the 2nd “game” I installed on it. The first was Factorio (I followed Nilaus’ megabase in a book and have got to 5k SPM). Haven’t tried the newer sims yet, but I think they’ll still be somewhat limited by my RTX 2080 Super.

Well imagine my surprise when I woke up to 6x the normal daily hits by 7am. I checked the weblogs and found that my post was trending on (Hacker News). So I am going to skip pretty much all background and just post the updated code for now, and will go back and clean up this post at some point.

Without further ado: here’s what the super basic dashboard looks like

Screenshot showing HTML autopilot interface running x-plane via Python

I have it separated into two main running python programs, the file that interacts with X-Plane itself, and the Flask part.

Check here for the updated code / next iteration where I add track following and direct-to functionality – Adding track following (Direct To) with cross track error to the Python X-Plane Autopilot.

Here’s the adjusted autopilot code to check with Redis for the setpoints every loop execution:


import sys
import os
import xpc
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import PID
import time
import math, numpy
import redis

r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

setpoints = {
	"desired_roll": 0,
	"desired_pitch": 2,
	"desired_speed": 160,
	"desired_alt": 8000.0,
	"desired_hdg": 140,
	"autopilot_enabled": 0

for key in setpoints:
	# if the key exists in the redis db, use it
	# otherwise, set it
	if r.exists(key):
		setpoints[key] = float(r.get(key))
		r.set(key, setpoints[key])

update_interval = 0.10 #seconds
update_frequency = 1/update_interval

P = 0.05
I = 0.01
D = 0

roll_PID = PID.PID(P*2, I*2, D)
roll_PID.SetPoint = setpoints["desired_roll"]

pitch_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)
pitch_PID.SetPoint = setpoints["desired_pitch"]

altitude_PID = PID.PID(P*2, P/2, D)
altitude_PID.SetPoint = setpoints["desired_alt"]

speed_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)
speed_PID.SetPoint = setpoints["desired_speed"]

heading_error_PID = PID.PID(1,0.05,0.1)
heading_error_PID.SetPoint = 0 # need heading error to be 0

DREFs = ["sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/airspeed_kts_pilot",

def normalize(value, min=-1, max=1):
	if (value > max):
		return max
	elif (value < min):
		return min
		return value

def sleep_until_next_tick(update_frequency):
    # Calculate the update interval from the frequency
    update_interval = 1.0 / update_frequency

    # Get the current time
    current_time = time.time()

    # Calculate the time remaining until the next tick
    sleep_time = update_interval - (current_time % update_interval)

    # Sleep for the remaining time
def get_angle_difference(b1, b2):
	r = (b2 - b1) % 360.0
	# Python modulus has same sign as divisor, which is positive here,
	# so no need to consider negative case
	if r >= 180.0:
		r -= 360.0
	return r

def get_bearing(pointA, pointB):
    Calculates the bearing between two points.
    The formulae used is the following:
        θ = atan2(sin(Δlong).cos(lat2),
                  cos(lat1).sin(lat2) − sin(lat1).cos(lat2).cos(Δlong))
      - `pointA: The tuple representing the latitude/longitude for the
        first point. Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees
      - `pointB: The tuple representing the latitude/longitude for the
        second point. Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees
      The bearing in degrees
    :Returns Type:
    if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
        raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")

    lat1 = math.radians(pointA[0])
    lat2 = math.radians(pointB[0])

    diffLong = math.radians(pointB[1] - pointA[1])

    x = math.sin(diffLong) * math.cos(lat2)
    y = math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) - (math.sin(lat1)
            * math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(diffLong))

    initial_bearing = math.atan2(x, y)

    # Now we have the initial bearing but math.atan2 return values
    # from -180° to + 180° which is not what we want for a compass bearing
    # The solution is to normalize the initial bearing as shown below
    initial_bearing = math.degrees(initial_bearing)
    compass_bearing = (initial_bearing + 360) % 360

    return compass_bearing

def haversine(coord1, coord2):
    R = 6372800  # Earth radius in meters
    lat1, lon1 = coord1
    lat2, lon2 = coord2
    phi1, phi2 = math.radians(lat1), math.radians(lat2) 
    dphi       = math.radians(lat2 - lat1)
    dlambda    = math.radians(lon2 - lon1)
    a = math.sin(dphi/2)**2 + \
    return 2*R*math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))

KBJC_lat = 39.9088056
KBJC_lon = -105.1171944

def write_position_to_redis(position):
	# position is a list of 7 floats
	# position_elements = [lat, lon, alt, pitch, roll, yaw, gear_indicator]
	position_elements = ["lat", "lon", "alt", "pitch", "roll", "yaw", "gear_indicator"]
	position_str = ','.join([str(x) for x in position])
	r.set('position', position_str)
	for i in range(len(position_elements)):
		r.set(f"position/{position_elements[i]}", position[i])
	# position_str = ','.join([str(x) for x in position])
	# r.publish('position_updates', position_str)
def get_setpoints_from_redis():
	setpoints = {
		"desired_roll": 0,
		"desired_pitch": 2,
		"desired_speed": 160,
		"desired_alt": 8000.0,
		"desired_hdg": 140
	for key in setpoints:
		# if the key exists in the redis db, use it
		# otherwise, set it
		if r.exists(key):
			setpoints[key] = float(r.get(key))
			r.set(key, setpoints[key])
	return setpoints

def get_autopilot_enabled_from_redis():
	if r.exists("autopilot_enabled"):
		return int(r.get("autopilot_enabled").decode('utf-8')) == 1

ele_positions = []
ail_positions = []
thr_positions = []

def update_control_position_history(ctrl):

	# if the list is longer than 20, pop the first element
	if len(ele_positions) > 20:

def monitor():
	with xpc.XPlaneConnect() as client:
		while True:
			loop_start =
			print(f"loop start - {loop_start}")
			posi = client.getPOSI()

			ctrl = client.getCTRL()

			bearing_to_kbjc = get_bearing((posi[0], posi[1]), (KBJC_lat, KBJC_lon))
			dist_to_kbjc = haversine((posi[0], posi[1]), (KBJC_lat, KBJC_lon))
			#desired_hdg = 116 #bearing_to_kbjc

			multi_DREFs = client.getDREFs(DREFs) #speed=0, mag hdg=1, onground=2

			current_roll = posi[4]
			current_pitch = posi[3]
			#current_hdg = posi[5] # this is true, need to use DREF to get mag ''
			current_hdg = multi_DREFs[1][0]
			current_altitude = multi_DREFs[3][0]
			current_asi = multi_DREFs[0][0]
			onground = multi_DREFs[2][0]

			# get the setpoints from redis
			setpoints = get_setpoints_from_redis()
			desired_hdg = setpoints["desired_hdg"]
			desired_alt = setpoints["desired_alt"]
			desired_speed = setpoints["desired_speed"]

			# outer loops first
			altitude_PID.SetPoint = desired_alt

			heading_error = get_angle_difference(desired_hdg, current_hdg)

			speed_PID.SetPoint = desired_speed

			new_pitch_from_altitude = normalize(altitude_PID.output, -10, 10)
			new_roll_from_heading_error = normalize(heading_error_PID.output, -25, 25)
			# if new_pitch_from_altitude > 15:
			# 	new_pitch_from_altitude = 15
			# elif new_pitch_from_altitude < -15:
			# 	new_pitch_from_altitude = -15
			pitch_PID.SetPoint = new_pitch_from_altitude
			roll_PID.SetPoint = new_roll_from_heading_error


			new_ail_ctrl = normalize(roll_PID.output, min=-1, max=1)
			new_ele_ctrl = normalize(pitch_PID.output, min=-1, max=1)
			new_thr_ctrl = normalize(speed_PID.output, min=0, max=1)

			previous_ail_ctrl = ail_positions[-1] if len(ail_positions) > 0 else 0
			previous_ele_ctrl = ele_positions[-1] if len(ele_positions) > 0 else 0
			previous_thr_ctrl = thr_positions[-1] if len(thr_positions) > 0 else 0

			# not currently functional - need to work on this 
			# new_ail_ctrl_limited = previous_ail_ctrl + new_ail_ctrl * MAX_DEFLECTION_PER_SECOND / update_frequency
			# new_ele_ctrl_limited = previous_ele_ctrl + new_ele_ctrl * MAX_DEFLECTION_PER_SECOND / update_frequency
			# new_thr_ctrl_limited = previous_thr_ctrl + new_thr_ctrl * MAX_DEFLECTION_PER_SECOND / update_frequency

			# update the control positions
			# update_control_position_history((new_ele_ctrl_limited, new_ail_ctrl_limited, 0.0, new_thr_ctrl_limited))
			update_control_position_history((new_ele_ctrl, new_ail_ctrl, 0.0, new_thr_ctrl))

			onground = -1
			if onground == 1:
				print("on ground, not sending controls")
				if get_autopilot_enabled_from_redis():
					# ctrl = [new_ele_ctrl_limited, new_ail_ctrl_limited, 0.0, new_thr_ctrl_limited]
					ctrl = [new_ele_ctrl, new_ail_ctrl, 0.0, new_thr_ctrl]

			loop_end =
			loop_duration = loop_end - loop_start

			output = f"current values --    roll: {current_roll: 0.3f},  pitch: {current_pitch: 0.3f},    hdg: {current_hdg:0.3f}, alt: {current_altitude:0.3f}, asi: {current_asi:0.3f}"
			output = output + "\n" + f"hdg error:                 {heading_error: 0.3f}"
			output = output + "\n" + f"new ctrl positions -- ail: {new_ail_ctrl: 0.4f},    ele: {new_ele_ctrl: 0.4f},   thr: {new_thr_ctrl:0.4f}"
			output = output + "\n" + f"PID outputs --   altitude: {altitude_PID.output: 0.4f},  pitch: {pitch_PID.output: 0.4f},   ail: {roll_PID.output: 0.3f},  hdg: {heading_error_PID.output: 0.3f}"
			output = output + "\n" + f"bearing to KBJC: {bearing_to_kbjc:3.1f}, dist: {dist_to_kbjc*0.000539957:0.2f} NM"
			output = output + "\n" + f"loop duration (ms): {loop_duration.total_seconds()*1000:0.2f} ms"
			os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')

if __name__ == "__main__":

And the flask backend/front end. WebSockets are super cool – never used them before this. I was thinking I’d have to make a bunch of endpoints for every type of autopilot change I need. But this handles it far nicer:

from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
import redis

app = Flask(__name__)
socketio = SocketIO(app)
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

setpoints_of_interest = ['desired_hdg', 'desired_alt', 'desired_speed']
# get initial setpoints from Redis, send to clients

def index():
    return render_template('index.html')  # You'll need to create an HTML template

def update_setpoint(label, adjustment):
    # This function can be adapted to update setpoints and then emit updates via WebSocket
    current_value = float(r.get(label)) if r.exists(label) else 0.0

    if label == 'desired_hdg':
        new_value = (current_value + adjustment) % 360
    elif label == 'autopilot_enabled':
        new_value = adjustment
        new_value = current_value + adjustment

    r.set(label, new_value)
    # socketio.emit('update_setpoint', {label: new_value})  # Emit update to clients
    return new_value

def handle_adjust_setpoint(json):
    label = json['label']
    adjustment = json['adjustment']
    # Your logic to adjust the setpoint in Redis and calculate new_value
    new_value = update_setpoint(label, adjustment)

    # Emit updated setpoint to all clients
    emit('update_setpoint', {label: new_value}, broadcast=True)

def handle_connect():
    # Fetch initial setpoints from Redis
    initial_setpoints = {label: float(r.get(label)) if r.exists(label) else 0.0 for label in setpoints_of_interest}
    # Emit the initial setpoints to the connected client
    emit('update_setpoints', initial_setpoints)

if __name__ == '__main__':

And the http template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Autopilot Interface</title>
    <script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    var socket;  // Declare socket globally

    // Define adjustSetpoint globally
    function adjustSetpoint(label, adjustment) {
        socket.emit('adjust_setpoint', {label: label, adjustment: adjustment});

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
        socket = io.connect(location.protocol + '//' + document.domain + ':' + location.port);
        socket.on('connect', () => {
            console.log("Connected to WebSocket server.");

        // Listen for update_setpoints event to initialize the UI with Redis values
        socket.on('update_setpoints', function(setpoints) {
          for (const [label, value] of Object.entries(setpoints)) {
              const element = document.getElementById(label);
              if (element) {
                  element.innerHTML = value;

        // Listen for update_setpoint events from the server
        socket.on('update_setpoint', data => {
            // Assuming 'data' is an object like {label: new_value}
            for (const [label, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
                // Update the displayed value on the webpage
                const element = document.getElementById(label);
                if (element) {
                    element.innerHTML = value;

    <h1>Autopilot Interface</h1>
    <p>Current Setpoints:</p>
        <li>Heading: <span id="desired_hdg">0</span></li>
        <li>Altitude: <span id="desired_alt">0</span></li>
        <li>Speed: <span id="desired_speed">0</span></li>
    <p>Autopilot: <span id="autopilot_enabled">0</span></p>

    <!-- Example buttons for adjusting setpoints -->
    <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_hdg', -10)">-10 HDG</button>
    <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_hdg', 10)">+10 HDG</button>
    <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_alt', 500)">+500 ALT</button>
    <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_alt', -500)">-500 ALT</button>
    <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_speed', 5)">+5 KTS</button>
    <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('desired_speed', -5)">-5 KTS</button>
    <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('autopilot_enabled', 1)">Enable Autopilot</button>
    <button onclick="adjustSetpoint('autopilot_enabled', 0)">Disable Autopilot</button>


This should be enough to get you going. I’ll come back and clean it up later (both my kids just woke up – 1.5 and 3.5 years!)


Controlling AsrockRack CPU & chassis fan speeds via ipmitool & PID loops

I have a 1U Datto NAS unit that I got for super cheap ($150 for 4x 3.5″ SAS3, D-1541, 4x32GB, 2400MHz, 2x 10GbaseT) that has worked quite well for me. The only downside, which is present among basically all 1U devices, is the noise.

During my research for how to control the tiny, high-RPM (like 8000+ RPM) fans, I stumbled across a thread on the FreeNAS forums – At the bottom of the post, there are a few other links to improvements. I ran the Perl logging scripts that made up the improvements a bit but I am no Perl expert so didn’t up implementing it.

I am not 100% sure of the default AsrockRack behavior but it seemed that if CPU temp >60C, both case and CPU fans would spike. My BlueIris instance sends videos over a couple times an hour, which would spike the fans, which would be annoying during my work from home weeks while I was in the basement, working.

The idea of using a PID loop to control fan speeds stuck with me though, and with the help of GitHub Copilot, I busted out a proof of concept in an hour or so during a particularly boring set of meetings. There is a very high probability this will work for Supermicro motherboards as well with only minor tweaks.

This is how well it works. Note the drop at the end is due to changing CPU setpoint from 57C to 55C. The temperature is very, very steady.

Screenshot of TrueNAS Core reporting page for CPU temp showing very constant CPU temperature due to PID fan control loop

Without further ado, below is the main script (you’ll also need, which I borrowed a few years ago for the Coding a pitch/roll/altitude autopilot in X-Plane with Python series of posts). It can be run via SSH for debugging purposes (it is no fun to edit python via nano over ssh on FreeBSD), or with native commands if it detects it is running on the target system.

import logging
import time
import PID
import datetime
import socket
import subprocess

    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

# don't care about debug/info level logging from either of these packages
loggers_to_set_to_warning = ['paramiko.transport', 'invoke']
for l in loggers_to_set_to_warning:

user = "root"
password = r"password"
host = None # this is set via hostname detection below
# HDD_TEMP_THRESHOLD = 44.0 # unused
MIN_FAN_PCT = 10.0
drives_to_monitor = ['da0', 'da1', 'da2', 'da3', 'nvme0','nvme1','nvme2']

# command to set fans via ipmitool
# ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x01 0x00 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04
					     #cpu #fan #fan #fan #fan #fan #fan ????

BASE_RAW_IPMI = 'raw 0x3a 0x01'
INITIAL_STATE = [32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32] # all 32/64 = half speed

hostname = socket.gethostname()
if 'truenas' in hostname or hostname == '':
    host = 'localhost'
    c = None
    from fabric import Connection # importing here because freebsd 13 (or whatever truenas core 13 is based on lacks pip to install packages)
    host = ""
    c = Connection(host, port=22, user=user, connect_kwargs={'password': password})

current_sensor_readings = {}
cpu_temp_sensor = "CPU Temp"
cpu_fan_sensor = "CPU_FAN1"
case_fans = ["FRNT_FAN2","FRNT_FAN3","FRNT_FAN4"]
mb_temp_sensor = "MB Temp"

def limiter(input_value, min_value, max_value):
    if input_value < min_value:
        return min_value
    elif input_value > max_value:
        return max_value
        return input_value
def set_fans_via_ipmi(connection):
    # raw_ipmi_cmd = construct_raw_ipmi_cmd() # not needed unless debug and remote
    if host == 'localhost':
        result =['ipmitool', 'raw', '0x3a', '0x01',
                                 '0x'+FAN_CURRENT_STATE[7]], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        raw_ipmi_cmd = construct_raw_ipmi_cmd()
        result ='ipmitool ' + raw_ipmi_cmd, hide=True)

def scale_to_64ths(input_percent):
    result = input_percent / 100.0 * 64.0
    # prepend 0 to make it a hex value
    result_int = int(result)
    result_str = str(result_int)
    if len(result_str) == 1:
        result_str = '0' + result_str # turn a 0x1 into a 0x01
    return result_str

def adjust_cpu_fan_setpoint(hex_value_64ths):
    FAN_CURRENT_STATE[0] = hex_value_64ths

def adjust_case_fan_setpoint(hex_value_64ths):
    for i in range(len(FAN_CURRENT_STATE) - 1):
        FAN_CURRENT_STATE[i + 1] = hex_value_64ths

def construct_raw_ipmi_cmd():
    new_state = BASE_RAW_IPMI
    for i in range(len(FAN_CURRENT_STATE)):
        new_state = new_state + ' 0x' + str(FAN_CURRENT_STATE[i])
    return new_state

def populate_sensor_readings(sensor, value):
    current_sensor_readings[sensor] = value

def query_ipmitool(connection):
    if host == 'localhost':
        result =['ipmitool', 'sensor'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        result = result.stdout.decode('utf-8')
        result ='ipmitool sensor', hide=True).stdout
    for line in result.split('\n'):
        if line == '':

        row_data = line.split('|')
        sensor_name = row_data[0].strip()
        sensor_value = row_data[1].strip()
        populate_sensor_readings(sensor_name, sensor_value)
        logging.debug(sensor_name + " = " + sensor_value)

def wait_until_top_of_second():
    # calculate time until next top of second
    sleep_seconds = 1 - (time.time() % 1)

def get_drive_temp(connection, drive):
    # this is copilot generated, and untested #
    # not sure about row_data[0] stuff        #
    if host == 'localhost':
        result =['smartctl', '-A', '/dev/' + drive], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        result = result.stdout.decode('utf-8')
        result ='smartctl -A /dev/' + drive, hide=True).stdout
    for line in result.split('\n'):
        if line == '':

        row_data = line.split()
        if len(row_data) < 10:
        if row_data[0] == '194':
            drive_temp = row_data[9]
   + " = " + drive_temp)

def query_drive_temps(connection):
    for drive in drives_to_monitor:
        get_drive_temp(connection, drive)

# tune these values. the first one is the most important and basically is the multiplier for
# how much you want the fans to run in proportion to the actual-setpoint delta.
# example: if setpoint is 55 and actual is 59, the delta is 4, which is multiplied by 4 for
# 16 output, which if converted to 64ths would be 25% fan speed.
# the 2nd parameter is the integral, which is a cumulative error counter of sorts.
# the 3rd parameter is derivative, which should probably be set to 0 (if tuned correctly, it prevents over/undershoot)
cpu_pid = PID.PID(4.0, 2.5, 0.1)
cpu_pid.SetPoint = DESIRED_CPU_TEMP

mb_pid = PID.PID(2.5, 1.5, 0.1)
mb_pid.SetPoint = DESIRED_MB_TEMP


# set last_execution to now minus one minute to force first execution
last_execution = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)

    if != last_execution.minute:
        # TODO: get drive temps"getting drive temps")

    cpu_temp = float(current_sensor_readings[cpu_temp_sensor])
    mb_temp = float(current_sensor_readings[mb_temp_sensor])

    mb_pid.update(mb_temp)'CPU: {cpu_temp:5.2f} MB: {mb_temp:5.2f} CPU PID: {cpu_pid.output:5.2f} MB PID: {mb_pid.output:5.2f}')
    # note negative multiplier!!
    cpu_fan_setpoint = scale_to_64ths(limiter(-1*cpu_pid.output,MIN_FAN_PCT,100))
    case_fan_setpoint = scale_to_64ths(limiter(-1*mb_pid.output,MIN_FAN_PCT,100))

    last_execution =

As you can see, it is not quite complete. I still need to add the hard drive temp detection stuff to ramp case fans a bit if the drives get hot. Those NVMe drives sure get hot (especially the Intel P4800X I have in one of the PCIe slots – see Intel Optane P1600X & P4800X as ZFS SLOG/ZIL for details).

This is what the output looks like (keep in mind the -1 multiplier in the setpoint stuff!):

screenshot showing second-by-second output of the PID fan control loop keeping a very consistent 55C CPU temp

And here is a summary of the script provided by the ever helpful ChatGPT with some high-level summaries. I fed it the code and said “write a blog post about this”. I took out the intro paragraph but left the rest.

The Script Overview

This script leverages the PID controller – a control loop mechanism that calculates an “error” value as the difference between a measured process variable and a desired setpoint. It attempts to minimize the error by adjusting the process control inputs.

In this script, we are implementing a fan speed control system that reacts to temperature changes dynamically. Our desired setpoint is the optimal temperature we want to maintain for both the CPU (DESIRED_CPU_TEMP) and the motherboard (DESIRED_MB_TEMP).

Exploring the Script

The Python script begins by setting up the necessary libraries and logging. The logging library is used to log useful debug information, such as the current CPU temperature and fan speed, which can help you understand what’s happening in the script.

Next, we have a section where we define some constants, such as the desired temperatures and minimum fan speed percentage. It also defines a connection to the localhost or to a remote host, depending on the hostname.

It uses ipmitool – a utility for managing and configuring devices that support the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) to control fan speeds.

The limiter() function ensures the fan speed remains within the predefined minimum and maximum thresholds. It’s important as it prevents the fan speed from reaching potentially harmful levels.

The script also includes several functions to set and adjust fan speeds, as well as to construct the appropriate ipmitool command. One thing to note is that the fan speeds are set using hexadecimal values, so there are functions to convert the desired fan speed percentages to hexadecimal.

A very useful function is query_ipmitool(). This function runs the ipmitool command, gets the current sensor readings, and stores them in the current_sensor_readings dictionary for further processing.

The script utilizes two PID controllers, cpu_pid for the CPU and mb_pid for the motherboard, with specific setpoints set to desired temperatures.

The core logic is inside the infinite loop at the end of the script. The loop constantly reads temperature sensor data and adjusts the fan speeds accordingly. The loop runs once every second, so it can respond quickly to changes in CPU and motherboard temperatures.


This script demonstrates a neat way of controlling fan speed in response to CPU and motherboard temperatures. It’s an effective approach to ensure that your system runs smoothly and without overheating, while minimizing noise.

Home Assistant Home Automation Python

Ultra efficient “air conditioner” (fans controlled with Home Assistant and Python) using cold outside air

Just getting this up as a draft now for a Reddit user.

In short, this Python script reads the temperatures of two different sensors (outside from an The Ambient Weather WS-2902C weather station and in our master bedroom with a Govee Bluetooth Thermometer), the temperature set point for a generic thermostat entity, does some logic, and turns a switch on or off, all with the Home Assistant API. The switch control two basic box fans that are set to blow air into our bedroom from outside. It runs every X minutes (currently set to 5). This method works great if nighttime temperatures drop below 70F before bedtime. We like the bedroom temp at 66F, so unless it gets below 70F by around 9PM, it probably won’t cool enough for us to be comfortable enough to fall asleep. My wife wakes up at 5:45am, me at 6:30am, pending what our 22 month old daughter thinks of that schedule, so we typically aim to be asleep by 10pm.

Today, 2022-05-14, was the day I got out the window AC. It will be in place for the rest of the summer.


  • A working Home Assistant installation (mine is Python venv install in a Ubuntu VM)
  • A bearer token authorization code for a/your Home Assistant user
  • A working MQTT installation
  • A switch controllable by Home Assistant
  • 1-2 box fans plugged into said switch controlled by Home Assistant

Here is what the Home Assistant control screen looks like. The buttons should be self explanatory. The generic thermostat entity doesn’t need to be on/active for this to work. It uses the set point for control purposes (set to 67.0F in the screenshot).

Home Assistant control screen for ultra efficient air conditioner system

I believe there is currently a logic bug with max cool not respecting the delta_temp variable. Other than that it works perfect. Below is a screenshot of the last 7 days showing the room cooling off nicely to the setpoint of 66F on nights 1-3 and 67F on nights 4-7. Switching a control device on and off every so often is a version of a bang-bang controller. If you look closely, you will notice that each cycle on and off results in a greater temperature drop, which is due to the colder outside air being blown in for the same duration regardless of delta T.

Master bedroom temperature with Home Assistant controlled fans blowing in cold air from outside. Setpoint was 66F for evening of 5/7-5/9 (first 3 nights) and 67F for the rest (next 4 nights).
Zoomed in view of the evening of 5/9 to the morning of 5/10. The temperature drops quickly to the setpoint of 66F and does not go much above. Not sure what the spike is right after 23:00. The outside temp starts at 65F for this same timeframe, dropping to 60 at 21:00 and 55 at 22:00, so a great night to use cold outside air for cooling (thus the “ultra efficient AC”.
import json
import datetime
import time
from dateutil import parser
from requests import get, post
import paho.mqtt.client as mqttClient
import logging

    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)

loggers_to_set_to_warning = ['urllib3.connectionpool']
for l in loggers_to_set_to_warning:

delta_temp = 3.0
mqtt_host = ""
mqtt_port = 1883

base_url = "http://ha.example.come:8123/"
states_url = base_url + "api/states/"
switch_url = base_url + "api/services/switch"
bearer_token = "ey...Vw"
full_bearer_token = "Bearer " + bearer_token
request_headers = {
    "Authorization": full_bearer_token,
    "content-type": "application/json"
endpoints = ["climate.masterbedfancooling",
fan_switch_entity_id = "switch.fan_switch"
states = {}
climate_topic = "climate/fan_control_state"
current_state = "off"
last_state = None
desired_seconds_to_sleep = 300
max_cool_outdoor_temp_limit = 66
desired_temp = None
outside_temp = None
current_temp = None
next_fan_action_time =

def set_fan_switch_state(state):
    new_fan_state = None
    if state == "on":
        new_fan_state = "on"
    elif state == "off":
        new_fan_state = "off"
        logging.warn("requested fan state unknown")

    entity_info = {"entity_id": fan_switch_entity_id}
    full_url = switch_url + "/turn_" + new_fan_state
    response = post(full_url, headers=request_headers,
    if response.status_code != 200:
            f"attempted to set fan state to {new_fan_state} but encountered error with status code: {response.status_code}")
    else:"successfully set fan state to {new_fan_state}")

def set_state_from_mqtt_message(message):
    global current_state, next_fan_action_time
    if message == "max_cool":
        current_state = "max_cool"
    elif message == "normal_cool":
        current_state = "normal_cool"
    elif message == "off":
        current_state = "off"
    elif message == "on":
        current_state = "on"
        logging.error(f"unable to determine state, setting to off")
        current_state = "off""current_state set to: {current_state}")
    next_fan_action_time =

def connect_mqtt():
    # Set Connecting Client ID
    client = mqttClient.Client("python_window_fan_control")
    #client.username_pw_set(username, password)
    client.on_connect = on_connect
    client.connect(mqtt_host, mqtt_port)
    return client

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
    if rc == 0:"Connected to MQTT Broker!")
    else:"Failed to connect, return code %d\n", rc)

def on_message(client, userdata, msg):"Received `{msg.payload.decode()}` from `{msg.topic}` topic")

def on_subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos):"subscribed to topic")

def set_fan_state(state):
    if state == "on":"setting fan state to on")
    elif state == "off":"setting fan state to off")

def get_and_set_temperatures():
    global desired_temp, current_temp, outside_temp
    logging.debug("executing loop")

    for endpoint in endpoints:
        full_url = states_url + endpoint
        response = get(full_url, headers=request_headers)
        parsed_json = json.loads(response.text)
        entity = parsed_json['entity_id']
        hvac_action = ""
        if endpoint == 'climate.masterbedfancooling':
            desired_temp = float(
            current_temp = float(
            hvac_action = parsed_json['attributes']['hvac_action']
        elif endpoint == 'sensor.real_outside_temp':
            outside_temp = float(parsed_json['state'])
        last_updated = parser.parse(parsed_json['last_updated'])
        f"temps: current={current_temp}, desired={desired_temp}, outside={outside_temp}")
    if desired_temp == None or current_temp == None or outside_temp == None:
            "one or more temps invalid, turning off switch and breaking execution")

client = mqttClient.Client("window-fan-client")
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_message = on_message
client.on_subscribe = on_subscribe
client.connect(mqtt_host, mqtt_port)

    if > next_fan_action_time:"fan action time")
        if current_state == "off":
            new_fan_state = "off"
                f"current_state is {current_state}, turning fan {new_fan_state}")

        if current_state == "max_cool":
                f"current_state is {current_state}, call for max cooling")
            if outside_temp < max_cool_outdoor_temp_limit:
                    f"able to max_cool with outside temp: {outside_temp}, lower than {max_cool_outdoor_temp_limit} ")
            elif outside_temp < (current_temp - delta_temp):
                    f"unable to max cool, but still can cool with outside: {outside_temp} and inside: {current_temp}")
      "unable to cool at all, turning fan off")
        elif current_state == "normal_cool":
                f"current_state is {current_state}")
            if (current_temp > desired_temp):
                    f"call for cooling. current: {current_temp}, desired: {desired_temp}")
                if (current_temp > (outside_temp - delta_temp)):
          "can cool, turning fan on")
          "can't cool, turning fan off")
      "no need for cooling, turning fans off")
        elif current_state == "on":
            new_fan_state = "on"
                f"current_state is {current_state}, turning fan {new_fan_state}")

        last_state = current_state
        next_fan_action_time = \
            + datetime.timedelta(seconds=desired_seconds_to_sleep)"next fan action in {desired_seconds_to_sleep} seconds")"---------loop end-------------------")
        #logging.debug("not fan action time yet, sleeping 1s")
    # actual_seconds_to_sleep = desired_seconds_to_sleep - % desired_seconds_to_sleep
    # seconds_to_sleep = actual_minutes_to_sleep * 60.0
    #"sleeping {desired_seconds_to_sleep}s")
    # time.sleep(desired_seconds_to_sleep)
Python XPlane

Coding a pitch/roll/altitude autopilot in X-Plane with Python


Sorry it has taken me so long to write this post! The last post on the blog was October 19th – almost 6 weeks ago. Life happens. We have a 15 month old running around and she is a handful!

March 2024 update – we now have a 1.5 year old AND the 15 month old is 3.5 years old! Link to the next post in this series – Adding some polish to the X-Plane Python Autopilot with Flask, Redis, and WebSockets

Anyways, back to the current topic – coding a pitch/roll (2 axis) autopilot in X-Plane with Python with altitude and heading hold. Today we will be adding the following:

  • Real-time graphing for 6 parameters
  • Additional method to grab data out of X-Plane
  • A normalize function to limit outputs to reasonable values
  • Altitude preselect and hold function

The full code will be at the end of this post.

Video Link

coming soon


  1. Adding PyQtGraph
  2. Developing a normalize function
  3. Initializing the data structures to hold the graph values
  4. Defining the PyQtGraph window and parameters
  5. Getting more data points out of X-Plane
  6. Feeding the graph data structures with data
  7. Adding altitude preselect and hold

1 – Adding PyQtGraph

Pip is my preferred tool to manage Python packages. It is easy and works well. I initially tried graphing with MatPlotLib but it took 200-300ms to update, which really dragged down the control loop to the point of being unusable. Instead, we will be using PyQtGraph. Install it with Pip:

pip install pyqtgraph

2 – Developing a normalize function

This task is pretty straightforward. There are a couple places where we want to pass values that need to be within a certain range. The first example is to the client.sendCTRL() method to set the control surfaces in X-Plane. The documentation states values are expected to be from -1 to 1. I have got some really weird results sending values outside that range (specifically for throttle, if you send something like 4, you can end up with 400% throttle which is wayyy more than the engines can actually output).

# this function takes an input and either passes it through or adjusts
# the input to fit within the specified max/min values
def normalize(value, min=-1, max=1):
	# if value = 700, and max = 20, return 20
	# if value = -200, and min = -20, return -20
	if (value > max):
		return max
	elif (value < min):
		return min
		return value

3 – Initializing the graphing data structures

We need a couple of arrays to store the data for our graphs. We need (desired data to plot) + 1 arrays. The +1 is the x-axis, which will just store values like 0,1,2,3,etc. The others will be the y-values. We haven’t added the altitude stuff yet, so you can add them but they won’t be used yet.

x_axis_counters = [] #0, 1, 2, 3, etc. just basic x-axis values used for plotting
roll_history = []
pitch_history = []
#altitude_history = []
roll_setpoint_history = []
pitch_setpoint_history = []
#altitude_setpoint_history = []
plot_array_max_length = 100 # how many data points to hold in our arrays and graph
i = 1 # initialize x_axis_counter

4 – Defining the PyQtGraph window and parameters

Working with PyQtGraph more or less means we’ll be working with a full blown GUI (just stripped down).

# first the base app needs to be instantiated
app = pg.mkQApp("python xplane autopilot monitor")

# now the window itself is defined and sized
win = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget(show=True)
win.resize(1000,600) #pixels
win.setWindowTitle("XPlane autopilot system control")

# we have 3 subplots
p1 = win.addPlot(title="roll",row=0,col=0)
p2 = win.addPlot(title="pitch",row=1,col=0)
p3 = win.addPlot(title="altitude", row=2, col=0)

# show the y grid lines to make it easier to interpret the graphs

5 – Getting more data points out of X-Plane

The initial .getPOSI() method that came in the example has worked well for us so far. But at this point we need more data that isn’t available in the .getPOSI() method. We will be utilizing a different method called .getDREFs() which is short for ‘get data references’. We will need to construct a list of data references we want to retrieve, pass that list to the method, and then parse the output. It is more granular than .getPOSI(). I haven’t evaluated the performance but I don’t think it is a problem.

The DREFs we want are for indicated airspeed, magnetic heading (.getPOSI() has true heading, not magnetic), an indicator to show if we are on the ground or not, and height as understood by the flight model. Thus, we can define our DREFs as follows:

DREFs = ["sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/airspeed_kts_pilot",

And we can get the data with client.getDREFs(DREFs). The returned object is a 2d array. We need to parse out our values of interest. The full data gathering code looks like this:

posi = client.getPOSI();
ctrl = client.getCTRL();
multi_DREFs = client.getDREFs(DREFs)

current_roll = posi[4]
current_pitch = posi[3]
current_hdg = multi_DREFs[1][0]
current_altitude = multi_DREFs[3][0]
current_asi = multi_DREFs[0][0]
onground = multi_DREFs[2][0]

With those data points, we have everything we need to start plotting the state of our aircraft and monitoring for PID tuning.

6 – Feeding the real-time graphs with data

Next up is actually adding data to be plotted. There are two scenarios to consider when adding data to the arrays: 1) the arrays have not yet reached the limit we set earlier (100 points), and 2) they have. Case 1 is easy. We just append the current values to the arrays:


The above code will work perfectly fine if you want the arrays to grow infinitely large over time. Ain’t nobody got time for that so we need to check how long the arrays are and delete data. We’ll check the length of the x-axis array as a proxy for all the others and use that to determine what to do. Typing this code that looks very similar over and over again means it’s probably time to abstract it into classes or something else. The more you type something over and over again, the larger indication you have that you need to so something about it. But for now we’ll leave it like this for ease of reading and comprehension.

# if we reach our data limit set point, evict old data and add new.
# this helps keep the graph clean and prevents it from growing infinitely
if(len(x_axis_counters) > plot_array_max_length):

# else, just add new. we are not yet at limit.
i = i + 1

You will notice that there are quite a few entries for altitude. We haven’t done anything with that yet so just set desired_altitude to an integer somewhere in the code so it doesn’t error out.

To complete the graphing portion, we need to actually plot the data. The clear=true in the below lines clears out the plot so we’re not replotting on top of the old data. We also need to process events to actually draw the graph:

# process events means draw the graphs

# arguments are x values, y values, options
# pen is a different line in the plot
p1.plot(x_axis_counters, roll_history, pen=0, clear=True)
p1.plot(x_axis_counters, roll_setpoint_history, pen=1)

p2.plot(x_axis_counters, pitch_history, pen=0,clear=True)
p2.plot(x_axis_counters, pitch_setpoint_history, pen=1)

p3.plot(x_axis_counters, altitude_history, pen=0,clear=True)
p3.plot(x_axis_counters, altitude_setpoint_history, pen=1)

You can now run the code to see your graph populating with data!

PyQtGraph plotting the aircraft’s roll/pitch and desired roll/pitch

7 – Adding altitude autopilot (preselect and hold)

Ok so now that we have eye candy with the real-time graphs, we can make our autopilot do something useful: go to a selected altitude and hold it.

We already have the roll and pitch PIDs functioning as desired. How do we couple the pitch PID to get to the desired altitude? One cannot directly control altitude. Altitude is controlled via a combination of pitch and airspeed (and time).

We will call the coupled PIDs an inner loop (pitch) and an outer loop (altitude). The outer loop runs and its output will feed the input of the inner loop. The altitude PID will be fed a desired altitude and current altitude. The output will then mostly be the error (desired altitude – current altitude) multiplied by our P setting. Of course I and D will have a say in the output but by and large it will be some proportion of the error.

Let’s start with defining the altitude PID and desired altitude:

altitude_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)
desired_altitude = 8000
altitude_PID.SetPoint = desired_altitude

With those defined, we now move to the main loop. The outer loop needs to be updated first. From there, we will normalize the output from the altitude PID and use that to set the pitch PID. The pitch PID will also be normalized to keep values in a reasonable range:

# update outer loops first

# if alt=12000, setpoint = 10000, the error is 2000. if P=0.1, output will be 2000*0.1=200
pitch_PID.SetPoint = normalize(altitude_PID.output, min=-15, max=10)

# update PIDs

# update control outputs
new_ail_ctrl = normalize(roll_PID.output)
new_ele_ctrl = normalize(pitch_PID.output)

Now we just need to send those new control surface commands and we’ll be controlling the plane!

Outputting the control deflections should basically be the last part of the loop. We’ll put it right before the debug output:

# sending actual control values to XPlane
ctrl = [new_ele_ctrl, new_ail_ctrl, 0.0, -998] # ele, ail, rud, thr. -998 means don't change

Full code of

import sys
import xpc
import PID
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
import time

def normalize(value, min=-1, max=1):
	# if value = 700, and max = 20, return 20
	# if value = -200, and min = -20, return -20
	if (value > max):
		return max
	elif (value < min):
		return min
		return value

update_interval = 0.050 # seconds, 0.05 = 20 Hz
start =
last_update = start

# defining the initial PID values
P = 0.1 # PID library default = 0.2
I = P/10 # default = 0
D = 0 # default = 0

# initializing PID controllers
roll_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)
pitch_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)
altitude_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)

# setting the desired values
# roll = 0 means wings level
# pitch = 2 means slightly nose up, which is required for level flight
desired_roll = 0
desired_pitch = 2
desired_altitude = 8000

# setting the PID set points with our desired values
roll_PID.SetPoint = desired_roll
pitch_PID.SetPoint = desired_pitch
altitude_PID.SetPoint = desired_altitude

x_axis_counters = [] #0, 1, 2, 3, etc. just basic x-axis values used for plotting
roll_history = []
pitch_history = []
altitude_history = []
roll_setpoint_history = []
pitch_setpoint_history = []
altitude_setpoint_history = []
plot_array_max_length = 300 # how many data points to hold in our arrays and graph
i = 1 # initialize x_axis_counter

# first the base app needs to be instantiated
app = pg.mkQApp("python xplane autopilot monitor")

# now the window itself is defined and sized
win = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget(show=True)
win.resize(1000,600) #pixels
win.setWindowTitle("XPlane autopilot system control")

# we have 3 subplots
p1 = win.addPlot(title="roll",row=0,col=0)
p2 = win.addPlot(title="pitch",row=1,col=0)
p3 = win.addPlot(title="altitude", row=2, col=0)

# show the y grid lines to make it easier to interpret the graphs

DREFs = ["sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/airspeed_kts_pilot",

def monitor():
	global i
	global last_update
	with xpc.XPlaneConnect() as client:
		while True:
			if ( > last_update + timedelta(milliseconds = update_interval * 1000)):
				last_update =
				print(f"loop start - {}")

				posi = client.getPOSI();
				ctrl = client.getCTRL();
				multi_DREFs = client.getDREFs(DREFs)

				current_roll = posi[4]
				current_pitch = posi[3]
				current_hdg = multi_DREFs[1][0]
				current_altitude = multi_DREFs[3][0]
				current_asi = multi_DREFs[0][0]
				onground = multi_DREFs[2][0]

				# update the display

				# update outer loops first

				# if alt=12000, setpoint = 10000, the error is 2000. if P=0.1, output will be 2000*0.1=200
				pitch_PID.SetPoint = normalize(altitude_PID.output, min=-15, max=10)

				# update PIDs

				# update control outputs
				new_ail_ctrl = normalize(roll_PID.output)
				new_ele_ctrl = normalize(pitch_PID.output)

				# if we reach our data limit set point, evict old data and add new.
				# this helps keep the graph clean and prevents it from growing infinitely
				if(len(x_axis_counters) > plot_array_max_length):

				# else, just add new. we are not yet at limit.
				i = i + 1

				p1.plot(x_axis_counters, roll_history, pen=0, clear=True)
				p1.plot(x_axis_counters, roll_setpoint_history, pen=1)

				p2.plot(x_axis_counters, pitch_history, pen=0,clear=True)
				p2.plot(x_axis_counters, pitch_setpoint_history, pen=1)

				p3.plot(x_axis_counters, altitude_history, pen=0,clear=True)
				p3.plot(x_axis_counters, altitude_setpoint_history, pen=1)

				# sending actual control values to XPlane
				ctrl = [new_ele_ctrl, new_ail_ctrl, 0.0, -998] # ele, ail, rud, thr. -998 means don't change

				output = f"current values --    roll: {current_roll: 0.3f},  pitch: {current_pitch: 0.3f}"
				output = output + "\n" + f"PID outputs    --    roll: {roll_PID.output: 0.3f},  pitch: {pitch_PID.output: 0.3f}"
				output = output + "\n"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Using the autopilot / Conclusion

To use the autopilot, fire up XPlane, hop in a small-ish plane (gross weight less than 10k lb), take off, climb 1000′, then execute the code. Your plane should bring roll to 0 pretty quick and start the climb/descent to the desired altitude.

X-Plane Python autopilot leveling off at 8000' with pitch/roll/altitude graphed in real-time
X-Plane Python autopilot leveling off at 8000′ with pitch/roll/altitude graphed in real-time