MacOS proxmox Tutorials

How to install MacOS Monterey in a Proxmox 7 VM

I recently installed MacOS Monterey (12.1) in a Proxmox 7 virtual machine and made a YouTube video showing the process –

I followed the instructions on Nick Sherlock’s blog – He’s pretty good at instructions so I’ll just leave the link.

My main use for MacOS VM is to use Apple’s XCode for basic app development (Swift, SwiftUI, UIKit, React Native, etc.) in a fairly fast environment. I have a slower actual Mac for publishing and such but like the flexibility of working in a virtual environment within Proxmox.

I’m still thinking about writing a script to automate the deployment – keep checking back if you’re interested!

This post mostly serves as a link to the YouTube video for how to install MacOS Monterey in Proxmox.

Here’s a picture of the environment showing my Xeon e5-2678v3 as the processor in the MacOS desktop:

MacOS Monterey running in a Proxmox virtual machine for Xcode
MacOS Monterey running in a Proxmox virtual machine for Xcode

For Part 2, which includes activities such as setting your MacOS Monterey VM to automatically boot, consolidating the OpenCore bootloader disk, reviewing the procedure for activating your Mac VM, please click the following link:

Home Assistant Home Automation

Using the Govee Bluetooth Thermometer with Home Assistant (Python and MQTT)


Like many other Home Automation enthusiasts, I have been on the lookout for a cheap thermometer/hygrometer that has either WiFi or Bluetooth connectivity. I think I found the answer in the $12 USD Govee Bluetooth Digital Thermometer and Hygrometer. The fact that the device broadcasts the current temperature and humidity every 2 seconds via low energy Bluetooth (BLE) is the metaphorical icing on the cake. Here is a pic of the unit in our garage:

Govee bluetooth thermometer and hygrometer showing 56*F/24% in a garage


This is a pretty basic device. It has a screen that shows the current temperature, humidity, and min/max values. It sends the current readings (along with battery health) every 2 seconds via low-energy bluetooth (BLE). The description on Amazon says it has a “Swiss-made smart hygrometer sensor”. Dunno if I believe that but for $12 it is good enough. The temperature is accurate to +/- 0.54F and humidity is +/- 3% RH. If you use the app, it is apparently possible to read the last 20 days or 2 years of data from the device (I haven’t used the app at all).

Enough with the boring stuff. Let’s get it connected to Home Assistant.

Reading the Govee bluetooth advertisements with Python

I found some sample code on tchen’s GitHub page (link) to help get me going in the right direction.

Without further ado, here is the code I’m using to read the data and publish via MQTT: (updated 2022-01-04 with some logging improvements. default logging level is now WARNING, which disables printing every advertisement)

# basic govee bluetooth data reading code for model
# written/modified by Austin of 2021-12-27
# original source:
import logging
import json
from time import sleep
from basic_mqtt import basic_mqtt
from bleson import get_provider, Observer

	format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
	datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',

# I did write all the mqtt stuff. I kept it in a separate class
mqtt = basic_mqtt()

# writing code on my windows computer, committing, pushing, and then 
# pulling the new code on the Raspberry Pi is a tedious "debug" process.
# there are quite a few errors that spit out from bleson, which as far
# as I can tell, isn't super polished. if we set the debug level to
# critical, most of those disappear.

# basic celsius to fahrenheit function
def c2f(val):
    return round(32 + 9*val/5, 2)

last = {}

# I didn't write this, but it takes the raw BT data and spits out the data of interest
def temp_hum(values, battery, address):
    global last
    # there is a fix for temperatures below freezing here - 
    # I will adjust post code afternoon of 2022-11-28
    values = int.from_bytes(values, 'big')
    if address not in last or last[address] != values:
        last[address] = values
        temp = float(values / 10000)
        hum = float((values % 1000) / 10)
        # this print looks like this:
        # 2021-12-27T11:22:17.040469 BDAddress('A4:C1:38:9F:1B:A9') Temp: 45.91 F  Humidity: 25.8 %  Battery: 100 %"decoded values: {address} Temp: {c2f(temp)} F  Humidity: {hum} %  Battery: {battery}")
        # this code originally just printed the data, but we need it to publish to mqtt.
        # added the return values to be used elsewhere
        return c2f(temp), hum, battery

def on_advertisement(advertisement):
    mfg_data = advertisement.mfg_data

    # there are lots of BLE advertisements flying around. only look at ones that have mfg_data
    if mfg_data is not None:
        # there are a few Govee models and the data is in different positions depending on which
        # the unit of interest isn't either of these hardcoded values, so they are skipped
        if == 'GVH5177_9835':
            address = advertisement.address
            temp_hum(mfg_data[4:7], mfg_data[7], address)
        elif == 'GVH5075_391D':
            address = advertisement.address
            temp_hum(mfg_data[3:6], mfg_data[6], address)
        elif != None:
            # this is where all of the advertisements for our unit of interest will be processed
            address = advertisement.address
            if 'GVH' in
                temp_f, hum, battery = temp_hum(mfg_data[3:6], mfg_data[6], address)

                if temp_f > 180.0 or temp_f < -30.0:
                # as far as I can tell bleson doesn't have a string representation of the MAC address
                # address is of type BDAddress(). str(address) is BDAddress('A4:C1:38:9F:1B:A9')
                # substring 11:-2 is just the MAC address
                mac_addr = str(address)[11:-2]

                # construct dict with relevant info
                msg = {'temp_f':temp_f,
                # looks like this:
                # msg data: {'temp_f': 45.73, 'hum': 25.5, 'batt': 100}
      "MQTT msg data: {msg}")

                # turn into JSON for publishing
                json_string = json.dumps(msg, indent=4)

                # publish to topic separated by MAC address
                mqtt.publish(f"govee/{mac_addr}", json_string)

# base stuff from the original gist
logging.warning(f"initializing bluetooth")
adapter = get_provider().get_adapter()
observer = Observer(adapter)
observer.on_advertising_data = on_advertisement

logging.warning(f"starting observer")
logging.warning(f"listening for events and publishing to MQTT")
while True:
    # unsure about this loop and how much of a delay works

And for the MQTT helper class (

# basic MQTT helper class. really needed to write one of these to simplify basic MQTT operations
# written/modified by Austin of 2021-12-27
# original source:
# filename is
from paho.mqtt import client as mqtt_client
import logging
import datetime
	format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
	datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',

mqtt_host = ""
test_topic = "mqtt_test_topic"

# this is really not polished. it was a stream of consciousness project to pound
# something out to do basic MQTT publish stuff in a reusable fashion.
class basic_mqtt:
	def __init__(self):
		self.client = mqtt_client.Client()
		self.subscription_topic_name = None
		self.publish_topic_name = None
		self.callback = None = mqtt_host
	def connect(self):
		self.client.on_connect = self.on_connect
		self.client.on_subscribe = self.on_subscribe
		self.client.on_message = self.on_message"connecting to MQTT broker at {mqtt_host}")

	def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc):
		print("Connected with result code "+str(rc))

		# Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and
		# reconnect then subscriptions will be renewed.

	def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg):
		print(f"got message of topic {msg.topic} with payload {msg.payload}")

	def on_subscribe(self, client, userdata, mid, granted_qos):
		print("Subscribed: " + str(mid) + " " + str(granted_qos))

	def publish(self, topic, msg):
		self.client.publish(topic=topic, payload=msg)

	def subscribe_to_test_topic(self, topic=test_topic):

	def send_test_message(self, topic=test_topic):

		self.publish(topic=topic, msg=f"test message from python script at {}")

	def disconnect(self):

	def loop(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":"running MQTT test")
	mqtt_helper = basic_mqtt()


Running this script on a Raspberry Pi 3 shows the advertisements coming in as expected. The updates are very quick compared to the usual 16 second update interval for my Acurite stuff.

screenshot of Python code running to receive BLE advertisements from Govee Bluetooth Thermometer
screenshot of Python code running to receive BLE advertisements from Govee Bluetooth Thermometer

And running mosquitto_sub with the right arguments (mosquitto_sub -h mqtt -v -t “govee/#”) shows the MQTT messages are being published as expected:

mosquitto_sub showing our published MQTT messages with temperature/humidity data from the Govee sensor

Getting Govee MQTT data into Home Assistant

Lastly, we need to add a MQTT sensor to get the data importing into Home Assistant:

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "govee/A4:C1:38:9F:1B:A9"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.temp_f }}"
  name: "garage temp"
  unit_of_measurement: "F"

And from there you can do whatever you want with the collected data!

Home Assistant displaying data from Govee Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor


This was a relatively quick post and code development. I really hate the cycle of developing on my Bluetooth-less Windows computer, committing the code, pushing to Git, pulling on the Pi, and running to “debug”. Thus, the code isn’t as good as it can be. I probably did 20-25 iterations before calling it good enough.

Regardless, I think this $12 Govee Bluetooth Thermometer and Hygrometer is a great little tool for collecting data around the house. You don’t need an SDR to get Acurite beacons, and you don’t need to spend a lot either. You just need a way to receive BLE advertisements (basically any Bluetooth-capable device can do this). There is even a 2 pack of just the sensors that I just discovered on Amazon for $24 – 2 pack of Govee bluetooth thermometer and hygrometer. I know there are other Bluetooth devices but they’re quite a bit more expensive.

Disclosure: Some of the links on this post are Amazon affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.

Also, at least for me, these are available with same day shipping on Amazon. Scratch that instant gratification itch.

Same day shipping available on Amazon near Denver for the Govee sensors
Python XPlane

Coding a pitch/roll/altitude autopilot in X-Plane with Python


Sorry it has taken me so long to write this post! The last post on the blog was October 19th – almost 6 weeks ago. Life happens. We have a 15 month old running around and she is a handful!

March 2024 update – we now have a 1.5 year old AND the 15 month old is 3.5 years old! Link to the next post in this series – Adding some polish to the X-Plane Python Autopilot with Flask, Redis, and WebSockets

Anyways, back to the current topic – coding a pitch/roll (2 axis) autopilot in X-Plane with Python with altitude and heading hold. Today we will be adding the following:

  • Real-time graphing for 6 parameters
  • Additional method to grab data out of X-Plane
  • A normalize function to limit outputs to reasonable values
  • Altitude preselect and hold function

The full code will be at the end of this post.

Video Link

coming soon


  1. Adding PyQtGraph
  2. Developing a normalize function
  3. Initializing the data structures to hold the graph values
  4. Defining the PyQtGraph window and parameters
  5. Getting more data points out of X-Plane
  6. Feeding the graph data structures with data
  7. Adding altitude preselect and hold

1 – Adding PyQtGraph

Pip is my preferred tool to manage Python packages. It is easy and works well. I initially tried graphing with MatPlotLib but it took 200-300ms to update, which really dragged down the control loop to the point of being unusable. Instead, we will be using PyQtGraph. Install it with Pip:

pip install pyqtgraph

2 – Developing a normalize function

This task is pretty straightforward. There are a couple places where we want to pass values that need to be within a certain range. The first example is to the client.sendCTRL() method to set the control surfaces in X-Plane. The documentation states values are expected to be from -1 to 1. I have got some really weird results sending values outside that range (specifically for throttle, if you send something like 4, you can end up with 400% throttle which is wayyy more than the engines can actually output).

# this function takes an input and either passes it through or adjusts
# the input to fit within the specified max/min values
def normalize(value, min=-1, max=1):
	# if value = 700, and max = 20, return 20
	# if value = -200, and min = -20, return -20
	if (value > max):
		return max
	elif (value < min):
		return min
		return value

3 – Initializing the graphing data structures

We need a couple of arrays to store the data for our graphs. We need (desired data to plot) + 1 arrays. The +1 is the x-axis, which will just store values like 0,1,2,3,etc. The others will be the y-values. We haven’t added the altitude stuff yet, so you can add them but they won’t be used yet.

x_axis_counters = [] #0, 1, 2, 3, etc. just basic x-axis values used for plotting
roll_history = []
pitch_history = []
#altitude_history = []
roll_setpoint_history = []
pitch_setpoint_history = []
#altitude_setpoint_history = []
plot_array_max_length = 100 # how many data points to hold in our arrays and graph
i = 1 # initialize x_axis_counter

4 – Defining the PyQtGraph window and parameters

Working with PyQtGraph more or less means we’ll be working with a full blown GUI (just stripped down).

# first the base app needs to be instantiated
app = pg.mkQApp("python xplane autopilot monitor")

# now the window itself is defined and sized
win = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget(show=True)
win.resize(1000,600) #pixels
win.setWindowTitle("XPlane autopilot system control")

# we have 3 subplots
p1 = win.addPlot(title="roll",row=0,col=0)
p2 = win.addPlot(title="pitch",row=1,col=0)
p3 = win.addPlot(title="altitude", row=2, col=0)

# show the y grid lines to make it easier to interpret the graphs

5 – Getting more data points out of X-Plane

The initial .getPOSI() method that came in the example has worked well for us so far. But at this point we need more data that isn’t available in the .getPOSI() method. We will be utilizing a different method called .getDREFs() which is short for ‘get data references’. We will need to construct a list of data references we want to retrieve, pass that list to the method, and then parse the output. It is more granular than .getPOSI(). I haven’t evaluated the performance but I don’t think it is a problem.

The DREFs we want are for indicated airspeed, magnetic heading (.getPOSI() has true heading, not magnetic), an indicator to show if we are on the ground or not, and height as understood by the flight model. Thus, we can define our DREFs as follows:

DREFs = ["sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/airspeed_kts_pilot",

And we can get the data with client.getDREFs(DREFs). The returned object is a 2d array. We need to parse out our values of interest. The full data gathering code looks like this:

posi = client.getPOSI();
ctrl = client.getCTRL();
multi_DREFs = client.getDREFs(DREFs)

current_roll = posi[4]
current_pitch = posi[3]
current_hdg = multi_DREFs[1][0]
current_altitude = multi_DREFs[3][0]
current_asi = multi_DREFs[0][0]
onground = multi_DREFs[2][0]

With those data points, we have everything we need to start plotting the state of our aircraft and monitoring for PID tuning.

6 – Feeding the real-time graphs with data

Next up is actually adding data to be plotted. There are two scenarios to consider when adding data to the arrays: 1) the arrays have not yet reached the limit we set earlier (100 points), and 2) they have. Case 1 is easy. We just append the current values to the arrays:


The above code will work perfectly fine if you want the arrays to grow infinitely large over time. Ain’t nobody got time for that so we need to check how long the arrays are and delete data. We’ll check the length of the x-axis array as a proxy for all the others and use that to determine what to do. Typing this code that looks very similar over and over again means it’s probably time to abstract it into classes or something else. The more you type something over and over again, the larger indication you have that you need to so something about it. But for now we’ll leave it like this for ease of reading and comprehension.

# if we reach our data limit set point, evict old data and add new.
# this helps keep the graph clean and prevents it from growing infinitely
if(len(x_axis_counters) > plot_array_max_length):

# else, just add new. we are not yet at limit.
i = i + 1

You will notice that there are quite a few entries for altitude. We haven’t done anything with that yet so just set desired_altitude to an integer somewhere in the code so it doesn’t error out.

To complete the graphing portion, we need to actually plot the data. The clear=true in the below lines clears out the plot so we’re not replotting on top of the old data. We also need to process events to actually draw the graph:

# process events means draw the graphs

# arguments are x values, y values, options
# pen is a different line in the plot
p1.plot(x_axis_counters, roll_history, pen=0, clear=True)
p1.plot(x_axis_counters, roll_setpoint_history, pen=1)

p2.plot(x_axis_counters, pitch_history, pen=0,clear=True)
p2.plot(x_axis_counters, pitch_setpoint_history, pen=1)

p3.plot(x_axis_counters, altitude_history, pen=0,clear=True)
p3.plot(x_axis_counters, altitude_setpoint_history, pen=1)

You can now run the code to see your graph populating with data!

PyQtGraph plotting the aircraft’s roll/pitch and desired roll/pitch

7 – Adding altitude autopilot (preselect and hold)

Ok so now that we have eye candy with the real-time graphs, we can make our autopilot do something useful: go to a selected altitude and hold it.

We already have the roll and pitch PIDs functioning as desired. How do we couple the pitch PID to get to the desired altitude? One cannot directly control altitude. Altitude is controlled via a combination of pitch and airspeed (and time).

We will call the coupled PIDs an inner loop (pitch) and an outer loop (altitude). The outer loop runs and its output will feed the input of the inner loop. The altitude PID will be fed a desired altitude and current altitude. The output will then mostly be the error (desired altitude – current altitude) multiplied by our P setting. Of course I and D will have a say in the output but by and large it will be some proportion of the error.

Let’s start with defining the altitude PID and desired altitude:

altitude_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)
desired_altitude = 8000
altitude_PID.SetPoint = desired_altitude

With those defined, we now move to the main loop. The outer loop needs to be updated first. From there, we will normalize the output from the altitude PID and use that to set the pitch PID. The pitch PID will also be normalized to keep values in a reasonable range:

# update outer loops first

# if alt=12000, setpoint = 10000, the error is 2000. if P=0.1, output will be 2000*0.1=200
pitch_PID.SetPoint = normalize(altitude_PID.output, min=-15, max=10)

# update PIDs

# update control outputs
new_ail_ctrl = normalize(roll_PID.output)
new_ele_ctrl = normalize(pitch_PID.output)

Now we just need to send those new control surface commands and we’ll be controlling the plane!

Outputting the control deflections should basically be the last part of the loop. We’ll put it right before the debug output:

# sending actual control values to XPlane
ctrl = [new_ele_ctrl, new_ail_ctrl, 0.0, -998] # ele, ail, rud, thr. -998 means don't change

Full code of

import sys
import xpc
import PID
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
import time

def normalize(value, min=-1, max=1):
	# if value = 700, and max = 20, return 20
	# if value = -200, and min = -20, return -20
	if (value > max):
		return max
	elif (value < min):
		return min
		return value

update_interval = 0.050 # seconds, 0.05 = 20 Hz
start =
last_update = start

# defining the initial PID values
P = 0.1 # PID library default = 0.2
I = P/10 # default = 0
D = 0 # default = 0

# initializing PID controllers
roll_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)
pitch_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)
altitude_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)

# setting the desired values
# roll = 0 means wings level
# pitch = 2 means slightly nose up, which is required for level flight
desired_roll = 0
desired_pitch = 2
desired_altitude = 8000

# setting the PID set points with our desired values
roll_PID.SetPoint = desired_roll
pitch_PID.SetPoint = desired_pitch
altitude_PID.SetPoint = desired_altitude

x_axis_counters = [] #0, 1, 2, 3, etc. just basic x-axis values used for plotting
roll_history = []
pitch_history = []
altitude_history = []
roll_setpoint_history = []
pitch_setpoint_history = []
altitude_setpoint_history = []
plot_array_max_length = 300 # how many data points to hold in our arrays and graph
i = 1 # initialize x_axis_counter

# first the base app needs to be instantiated
app = pg.mkQApp("python xplane autopilot monitor")

# now the window itself is defined and sized
win = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget(show=True)
win.resize(1000,600) #pixels
win.setWindowTitle("XPlane autopilot system control")

# we have 3 subplots
p1 = win.addPlot(title="roll",row=0,col=0)
p2 = win.addPlot(title="pitch",row=1,col=0)
p3 = win.addPlot(title="altitude", row=2, col=0)

# show the y grid lines to make it easier to interpret the graphs

DREFs = ["sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/airspeed_kts_pilot",

def monitor():
	global i
	global last_update
	with xpc.XPlaneConnect() as client:
		while True:
			if ( > last_update + timedelta(milliseconds = update_interval * 1000)):
				last_update =
				print(f"loop start - {}")

				posi = client.getPOSI();
				ctrl = client.getCTRL();
				multi_DREFs = client.getDREFs(DREFs)

				current_roll = posi[4]
				current_pitch = posi[3]
				current_hdg = multi_DREFs[1][0]
				current_altitude = multi_DREFs[3][0]
				current_asi = multi_DREFs[0][0]
				onground = multi_DREFs[2][0]

				# update the display

				# update outer loops first

				# if alt=12000, setpoint = 10000, the error is 2000. if P=0.1, output will be 2000*0.1=200
				pitch_PID.SetPoint = normalize(altitude_PID.output, min=-15, max=10)

				# update PIDs

				# update control outputs
				new_ail_ctrl = normalize(roll_PID.output)
				new_ele_ctrl = normalize(pitch_PID.output)

				# if we reach our data limit set point, evict old data and add new.
				# this helps keep the graph clean and prevents it from growing infinitely
				if(len(x_axis_counters) > plot_array_max_length):

				# else, just add new. we are not yet at limit.
				i = i + 1

				p1.plot(x_axis_counters, roll_history, pen=0, clear=True)
				p1.plot(x_axis_counters, roll_setpoint_history, pen=1)

				p2.plot(x_axis_counters, pitch_history, pen=0,clear=True)
				p2.plot(x_axis_counters, pitch_setpoint_history, pen=1)

				p3.plot(x_axis_counters, altitude_history, pen=0,clear=True)
				p3.plot(x_axis_counters, altitude_setpoint_history, pen=1)

				# sending actual control values to XPlane
				ctrl = [new_ele_ctrl, new_ail_ctrl, 0.0, -998] # ele, ail, rud, thr. -998 means don't change

				output = f"current values --    roll: {current_roll: 0.3f},  pitch: {current_pitch: 0.3f}"
				output = output + "\n" + f"PID outputs    --    roll: {roll_PID.output: 0.3f},  pitch: {pitch_PID.output: 0.3f}"
				output = output + "\n"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Using the autopilot / Conclusion

To use the autopilot, fire up XPlane, hop in a small-ish plane (gross weight less than 10k lb), take off, climb 1000′, then execute the code. Your plane should bring roll to 0 pretty quick and start the climb/descent to the desired altitude.

X-Plane Python autopilot leveling off at 8000' with pitch/roll/altitude graphed in real-time
X-Plane Python autopilot leveling off at 8000′ with pitch/roll/altitude graphed in real-time
Python XPlane

Coding a wing leveler autopilot in X-Plane with Python


Continuing from the first post, where we hooked up X-Plane to our Python code, we will build a wing leveler today. The first post was just about making sure we could get data into and out of X-Plane. Today will add a few features to our XPlane autopilot written in Python.

  • A control loop timer (we will be targeting a loop frequency of 10 Hz, or 10 updates per second)
  • Additional data feeds from X-Plane
  • Two PID controllers, one for roll, one for pitch
  • Some debugging output to keep track of what the PIDs are doing

The full code will be at the end of this post.

Video Link

Python Tutorial: code a wing leveler in X-Plane using PID loops


  1. Control loop timer/limiter
  2. Obtaining current pitch/roll values from X-Plane
  3. Initializing the PID controllers
  4. Feeding the PID controllers within the control loop
  5. Controlling the aircraft with the new PID output
  6. Monitoring the control loops via debug prints

1 – Control loop timer/limiter

Since we will be targeting a 10 Hz update rate, we need to develop a method to ensure the loop does not run more frequent than once every 100 milliseconds. We do not want the loop running uninhibited, because that will result in variable loop execution times and we like to keep those things constant. It could potentially execute thousands of times per second, which is entirely unnecessary. Most control loop algorithms run in the 10-100 Hz range (10-100 times per second). For reference, my RC plane running ArduPlane on Pixhawk uses 50 Hz as a standard update frequency.

To accomplish this task, we need to set up some timing variables.

First of all, add an import statment for datetime and timedelta:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

Next, define the timing variables:

update_interval = 0.100 # this value is in seconds. 1/0.100 = 10 which is the update interval in Hz

# start is set to the time the line of code is executed, which is essential when the program started
start =

# last_update needs to be set to start for the first execution of the loop to successfully run.
# alternatively, we could've set start to something in the past.
last_update = start

# last update needs to be defined as a global within the monitor() function:
def monitor():
	global last_update

That handles the variables. Now we need to limit the loop execution. To do so requires wrapping all of the loop code into a new if statement that evaluates the time and only executes if the current time is 100 milliseconds greater than the last loop execution:

# loop is the "while True:" statement
while True:
	# this if statement is evaluated with every loop execution
	if ( > last_update + timedelta(milliseconds = update_interval * 1000)):
		# when the if statement evaluates to true, the first thing we'll do is set the last update to the current time so the next iteration fires at the correct time
		last_update =

		# rest of the loop code goes here

2 – Obtaining current roll/pitch values from X-Plane

This task is pretty straightforward. In the first post, the code included obtaining the position with posi = client.getPOSI(). There are 7 elements returned with that method, and two of them are roll and pitch.

Put the below after the .getPOSI() call.

current_roll = posi[4]
current_pitch = posi[3]

3 – Initializing the PID controllers

First you need to get the PID control file from the Ivmech (Ivmech Mechatronics Ltd.) GitHub page. Direct link file here. Put the file in the same working directory as everything else then import it with import PID at the top with the rest of the imports.

Then we can initialize the control instances. PID controllers are magic. But they do need to be set with smart values for the initial run. The default values with the PID library are P=0.2, I=0, D=0. This essentially means make the output be 20% of the error between the setpoint and the current value. For example, if the aircraft has a roll of 10 degrees to the left (-10), and the P=0.2, the output from the PID controller will be -2.

When setting PID values, it is almost always a good idea to start small and work your way up. If your gains are too high, you could get giant oscillations and other undesirable behaviors. In the YouTube video, I talk about the various types of PID controllers. They will basically always have a P (proportional) set. Many will also have an I (integral) value set, but not many use the D term (derivative).

Going with the “less is more” truism with PID controllers, I started with a P value of 0.1, and an I value of 0.01 (P/10). The I term (integral) is meant to take care of accumulated errors (which are usually long term errors). An example is your car’s cruise control going up a hill. If your cruise control is set to 65 mph, it will hold 65 no problem on flat roads. If you start going up a hill, the controller will slowly apply more throttle. With an I of 0, your car would never get to 65. It would probably stay around 62 or so. With the integrator going, the error will accumulate and boost the output (throttle) to get you back up to your desired 65. In the linked YouTube video, I show what happens when the I value is set to 0 and why it is necessary to correct long-term errors.

These values (P=0.1, I=0.01, D=0) turned out to work perfectly.

Place the following before the monitor function:

# defining the initial PID values
P = 0.1 # PID library default = 0.2
I = P/10 # default = 0
D = 0 # default = 0

# initializing both PID controllers
roll_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)
pitch_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)

# setting the desired values
# roll = 0 means wings level
# pitch = 2 means slightly nose up, which is required for level flight
desired_roll = 0
desired_pitch = 2

# setting the PID set points with our desired values
roll_PID.SetPoint = desired_roll
pitch_PID.SetPoint = desired_pitch

4 – Updating the PID controllers within the control loop

With the PIDs created, they will need to be updated with the new, current pitch and roll values with every loop execution.

Place the following after current_roll and current_pitch are assigned:


5 – Controlling the aircraft with the new PID output

Updating the PID controller instances will generate new outputs. We can use those outputs to set the control surfaces. You can place these two lines directly below the update lines:

new_ail_ctrl = roll_PID.output
new_ele_ctrl = pitch_PID.output

So we have new control surface values – now we need to actually move the control surfaces. This is accomplished by sending an array of 4 floats with .sendCTRL():

# ele, ail, rud, thr. -998 means don't set/change
ctrl = [new_ele_ctrl, new_ail_ctrl, 0.0, -998]

6 – Monitoring the control loops via debug prints

The last bit to tie a bunch of this together is printing out values with every loop execution to ensure things are heading the right direction. We will turn these into graphs in the next post or two.

We will be concatenating strings because it’s easy and we aren’t working with enough strings for it to be a performance problem.

In newer Python versions (3.6+), placing ‘f’ before the quotes in a print statement (f””) means the string is interpolated. This means you can basically put code in the print statement, which makes creating print statements much easier and cleaner.

The first line will print out the current roll and pitch value (below). We are using current_roll and current_pitch interpolated. The colon, then blank space with 0.3f is a string formatter. It rounds the value to 3 decimal places and leaves space for a negative. It results in things being lined up quite nicely.

output = f"current values --    roll: {current_roll: 0.3f},  pitch: {current_pitch: 0.3f}"

The next code statement will add a new line to the previous output, and also add the PID outputs for reference:

output = output + "\n" + f"PID outputs    --    roll: {roll_PID.output: 0.3f},  pitch: {pitch_PID.output: 0.3f}"

The final line will just add another new line to keep each loop execution’s print statements grouped together:

output = output + "\n"

Finally, we print the output with print(output), which will look like this:

loop start - 2021-10-19 14:24:26.208945
current values --    roll:  0.000,  pitch:  1.994
PID outputs    --    roll: -0.000,  pitch:  0.053

Full code of

import sys
import xpc
import PID
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

update_interval = 0.100 # seconds
start =
last_update = start

# defining the initial PID values
P = 0.1 # PID library default = 0.2
I = P/10 # default = 0
D = 0 # default = 0

# initializing both PID controllers
roll_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)
pitch_PID = PID.PID(P, I, D)

# setting the desired values
# roll = 0 means wings level
# pitch = 2 means slightly nose up, which is required for level flight
desired_roll = 0
desired_pitch = 2

# setting the PID set points with our desired values
roll_PID.SetPoint = desired_roll
pitch_PID.SetPoint = desired_pitch

def monitor():
	global last_update
	with xpc.XPlaneConnect() as client:
		while True:
			if ( > last_update + timedelta(milliseconds = update_interval * 1000)):
				last_update =
				print(f"loop start - {}")

				posi = client.getPOSI();
				ctrl = client.getCTRL();

				current_roll = posi[4]
				current_pitch = posi[3]


				new_ail_ctrl = roll_PID.output
				new_ele_ctrl = pitch_PID.output

				ctrl = [new_ele_ctrl, new_ail_ctrl, 0.0, -998] # ele, ail, rud, thr. -998 means don't change

				output = f"current values --    roll: {current_roll: 0.3f},  pitch: {current_pitch: 0.3f}"
				output = output + "\n" + f"PID outputs    --    roll: {roll_PID.output: 0.3f},  pitch: {pitch_PID.output: 0.3f}"
				output = output + "\n"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Using the autopilot / Conclusion

To use the autopilot, fire up XPlane, hop in a small-ish plane (gross weight less than 10k lb), take off, climb 1000′, then execute the code. Your plane should level off within a second or two in both axis.

Here is a screenshot of the output after running for a few seconds:

Screenshot showing current pitch and roll values along with their respective PID outputs

The linked YouTube video shows the aircraft snapping to the desired pitch and roll angles very quickly from a diving turn. The plane is righted to within 0.5 degrees of the setpoints within 2 seconds.

A note about directly setting the control surfaces

If you are familiar with PIDs and/or other parts of what I’ve discussed here, you’ll realize that we could be setting large values for the control surfaces (i.e. greater than 1 or less than -1). We will address that next post with a normalization function. It will quickly become a problem when a pitch of 100+ is commanded for altitude hold. I have found that XPlane will allow throttle values of more than 100% (I’ve seen as high as ~430%) if sent huge throttle values.

Python XPlane

Creating an autopilot in X-Plane using Python – part 1


Today’s post will take us in a slightly different direction than the last few. Today’s post will be about hooking up some Python code to the X-Plane flight simulator to enable development of an autopilot using PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controllers. I’ve been a fan of flight simulators for quite some time (I distinctly remember getting Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 for my birthday when I was like 8 or 9) but have only recently started working with interfacing them to code. X-Plane is a well-known flight simulator developed by another Austin – Austin Meyer. It is regarded as having one of the best flight models and has tons of options for getting data into/out of the simulator. More than one FAA-certified simulator setups are running X-Plane as the primary driver software.

I got started thinking about writing some code for X-Plane while playing another game, Factorio. I drive a little plane or car in the game to get around my base and I just added a plug-in that “snaps” the vehicle to a heading, which makes it easier to go in straight lines. I thought – “hmm how hard could this be to duplicate in a flight sim?”. So here we are.

This post will get X-Plane hooked up to Python. The real programming will start with the next post.

2nd most recent post (added 2024-03-24) – Adding some polish to the X-Plane Python Autopilot with Flask, Redis, and WebSockets

Most recent post – Adding track following (Direct To) with cross track error to the Python X-Plane Autopilot

Video Link


  1. Download and install X-Plane (I used X-Plane 10 because it uses less resources than X-Plane 11 and we don’t need the graphics/scenery to look super pretty to do coding. It also loads faster.)
  2. Download and install NASA’s XPlaneConnect X-Plane plug-in to X-Plane
  3. Verify the XPlaneConnect plug-in is active in X-Plane
  4. Download sample code from XPlaneConnect’s GitHub page
  5. Run the sample script to verify data is being transmitted from X-Plane via UDP to the XPlaneConnect code

1 – Download and install X-Plane 10 or X-Plane 11

I’ll leave this one up to you. X-Plane 10 is hard to find these days I just discovered. X-Plane 11 is available on Steam for $59.99 as of writing. I just tested and the plug-in/code works fine on X-Plane 11 (but the flight models are definitely different and will need different PID values). My screenshots might jump between the two versions but the content/message will be the same.

2 – Download and install NASA’s XPlaneConnect plug-in

NASA (yes, that NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has wrote a bunch of code to interface with X-Plane. They have adapters for C, C++, Java, Matlab, and Python. They work with X-Plane 9, 10, and 11.

  1. Download the latest version from the XPlaneConnect GitHub releases page, 1.3 RC6 as of writing
  2. Open the .zip and place the contents in the [X-Plane directory]/Resources/plugins folder. There are few other folders already present in this directory. Mine looked like this after adding the XPlaneConnect folder:
Screenshot of X-Plane 10 plugins directory with XPlaneConnect folder added
Screenshot of X-Plane 11 plugins directory with XPlaneConnect folder added

3 – Verify XPlaneConnect is active in X-Plane

Now we’ll load up X-Plane and check the plug-ins to verify XPlaneConnect is enabled. Go to the top menu and select Plugins -> Plugin Admin. You should see X-Plane Connect checked in the enabled column:

Screenshot showing XPlaneConnect plug-in active in X-Plane 11
Screenshot showing XPlaneConnect plug-in active in X-Plane 10

4 – Download sample code from XPlaneConnect’s GitHub page

From the Python3 portion of the GitHub code, download and and stick them in your working directory (doesn’t matter where). For me, I just downloaded the entire git structure so the code is at C:\Users\Austin\source\repos\XPlaneConnect\Python3\src:

Screenshot showing and in my working directory

5 – Run sample code to verify data is making it from X-Plane to our code

With X-Plane running with a plane on a runway (or anywhere really), go ahead and run! I will be using Visual Studio Code to program this XPlane Python autopilot stuff so that’s where I’ll run it from.

You will start seeing lines scroll by very fast with 6 pieces of information – latitude, longitude, elevation (in meters), and the control deflections for aileron, elevator, and rudder (normalized from -1 to 1, with 0 being centered). In the below screenshot, we see a lat/lon of 39.915, -105.128, with an elevation of 1719m. First one to tell me in the comments what runway that is wins internet points!

Screenshot showing Visual Studio Code running in front of X-Plane 10 and the output scrolling by.


In this post, we have successfully downloaded the XPlaneConnect plug-in, and demonstrated that it can successfully interface with Python code in both X-Plane 10 and X-Plane 11.

Next up is to start controlling the plane with a basic wing leveler. As of writing this post, I have the following completely functional:

  • Pitch / roll hold at reasonable angles (-25 to 25)
  • Altitude set and hold
  • Heading set and hold
  • Airspeed set and hold
  • Navigate directly to a lat/lon point

See you at the next post! Next post – Coding a wing leveler autopilot in X-Plane with Python